Ensemble Tyva was founded by musicologist and folklorist Zoya Kyrgys in Kyzyl in 1987. The repertoire of the group contains some hundred of songs from all parts of Tuva. Ensemble is composed of best performers of unique art of Tuvans throat singing khorekteer the fascination of which is in the fact that one performer can produce simultaneously two or even three melodic lines.

Ensemble Tyva gives an opportunity of better understanding the Tuvan culture. In contrast to other folk groups, the program of Tyva is closely connected with the specific character of this region, this part of Siberia where all kinds of landscape, rich flora and fauna, various styles of life and economic activities. Ensemble reflects the variety of Tuvan culture as if conserving this kind of culture in its very early manifestations. Tuvan people have preserved these ancient methods of performance connected with imitation of the sounds of surrounding world up to our days. They are basic in Tuvan culture. The sounds of nature are used not only in throat singing but also in khomus (Jew's Harp) playing. The knowledge of sound imitation is the key to throat singing, the key which helps to discover the secrets of this art.

            The main goal of the group is to preserve, develop, and promote traditional forms of Tuvan art which are typical for nomads of Central Asia and at the same time to create its new forms. Ensemble performed in Mongolia, Taiwan, Holland, Sweden, Germany, Norway, US, Japan and other countries.

Ensemble Tyva performed in:


            Clubs DOM, Rotonda, PushkinG, OGI, Central House of Artists

            Russia Radio

            Performance in popular Russian TV program Anthropology


            Club Spartak5

            Kyzyl (Tuva)

International festival of pop song Melodies of Sayan Mountains (Drama Theater named after Kok-ool)

            Chadan (Tuva)

            International Festival Ustuu-Khuree (Chadan Palace of Culture)



            Japan (NEW GENERATION OF LOVE)

            Tokyo Sendai Osaka Okayama Kioto


            International Throat Singing Conference Bridge 2001


            In 2000 the first album Ezengileer (stirups)  of new Tyva was released.


            At present Tyva prepares new album CARAVAN


home concert in Osaka

ensemble "TYVA" 

  • Danzyryn Ayas-ool

  •  Choodu Nachyn

  • Chayan-Khoo Mergen

  • Choodu Shonchalai

Eki from Japan!


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